Child and Adult Care Facilites Subject to New Disclosure


Nevada law requires that child and adult care facilities be licensed and follow certain rules and regulations. Assembly Bill No. 283 adds new requirements to this law. Chapter 432A of NRS now requires that child and adult care facilities maintain and provide certain information to parents, guardians or legal representatives. New requirements also make failure to comply grounds for revocation of a facility's license.

Section 1 of the new bill adds several new requirements. The bill requires that child and adult care facilities maintain records of licensure, inspections, complaints, and any disciplinary actions. Facilities must make the information available to the public or guardians of those cared for in the facility upon enrollment and upon request.

Section 2 allows the licensing bureau to deny, suspend or revoke the license of any facility that fails to comply with these new regulations. Section 4 allows the health division to deny, suspend or revoke the license of any facility that fails to comply with these new regulations.