AB 385 Changes State Board of Medical Examiner Procedures


Assembly Bill number 385 dated March 16, 2007 makes some changes regarding the way the State Board of Medical Examiners oversees the practice of medicine.

First, the Board may issue special restricted licenses to graduates of foreign medial schools who want to do research, teach, or practice clinical medicine and the Board may regulate the performance of laser surgery, intense pulsed light therapy and the injection of cosmetic and chemotherapeutic substances. Only licensed physicians, osteopathic physicians or assistant physicians may do the procedures.

Second, the Board has the right to increase some penalties for physicians who fail to provide written notice of change of status or change of address.

Third, the Board can revise the scope of practice authorized for a physician practicing under a volunteer license to include treatment for uninsured persons or persons unable to afford health care. The Board can also give physicians assistants certain duties and immunities generally applicable to other health providers.

Fourth, the Board may discipline physicians for incurring or failing to report disciplinary action against them in another jurisdiction or for failure to obtain informed consent of a patient prior to a procedure.

Lastly, the Board may provide peer reviewers, employers, and volunteers in diversion programs with limited civil immunity. 
