Doctors' Malpractice Histories to be Reported


The Reno Gazette Journal reports that after 84 hepatitis C cases were linked to the Endoscopy Center of Southern Nevada and more than 50,000 patients were notified they might be at risk, the Nevada Board of Medical Examiners received a bit of negative attention. As a result, the Board of Medical Examiners' website will be posting more information about Nevada doctors' malpractice history.

Currently, the site lists the names of doctors who've been disciplined and the infraction for which they've been disciplined.

Added to the site will be a database of all doctors involved in malpractice cases ending in settlement, award, or judgment.

According to the RGJ, the details of the site are unclear: "The board discussed including only cases that involved $5,000 or more, but did not come to a clear decision. It also did not state a firm launch date for the new site."

The board also discussed the possible adoption of a policy on the use of single and multiuse medication vials, but decided against implementing such a policy for fear of compelling doctors to use medication only according to the manufacturer's label, which is inconsistent with current practice of often using medications "off-label."
