Pants Judge Subject of Ethical Complaint

This from AAJ using a blurb from the North Country Gazette:

"The judge at the center of the infamous $65 million lawsuit against his long-time dry cleaner for losing a pair of his pants is the subject of an ethics complaint filed against him by the American Association for Justice. Jon Haber, CEO of AAJ, has written a letter to the District of Columbia Bar, asking that it open an investigation into Judge Roy Pearson, a DC administrative hearings judge, for his pursuit of the dry cleaner lawsuit...In his letter, Haber stated: 'Our court system has no place for those who abuse the instruments of justice for personal gain or the intimidation of others.' In addition to the call for an investigation, AAJ President Lewis S. 'Mike' Eidson stated 'As attorneys who are committed to helping Americans receive justice throughout courts, we are outraged by the very idea of a $65 million claim over a pair of pants. It is not only ridiculous -- it is offensive to our values.' Eidson and Haber have also personally pledged to contribute to a defense fund established to support the dry cleaners."

North Country Gazette 6/03/07