New Nevada Law Imposes Liability on Those Who Furnish Alcohol and Drugs

SB7, effective October 1, 2007, establishes civil liability for certain acts involving the provision of alcohol and controlled substances.

Existing law provides immunity from civil liability to a person who serves or sells an alcoholic beverage to another person for damages caused by an intoxicated person as a result of that service or sale. (NRS 41.1305) Section 2 of this bill limits that immunity to a person who serves, sells or furnishes an alcoholic beverage to another person who is at least 21 years of age. In contrast, section 2 makes a person liable in a civil action for damages caused as a result of the consumption of alcohol by an underage person if he knowingly served, sold or furnished alcohol to the underage person or allowed the underage person to consume alcohol on premises or in a conveyance belonging to him or over which he had control. The liability created does not apply to a person who is licensed to serve, sell or furnish alcoholic beverages or to an employee or agent of such a person.

Section 1 of this bill further makes a person liable in a civil action for damages caused as a result of the use of a controlled substance by another person if the person knowingly served, sold or furnished the controlled substance or allowed the other person to use a controlled substance in an unlawful manner on premises or in a conveyance belonging to the person allowing the use or over which he has control.
